Powerful Emotional Wisdom. ASTROLOGY FOR THE CREATIVE SPIRIT. September 08 2019

“The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue.”

Dorthy Parker

(Sun in Virgo, Moon in Capricorn)

Enjoy the powerful strength

Wisdom, and confidence

That this day has to offer up

Your dreams will sail like a fish riding an ocean tidal stream- up up and up

Because you believe in yourself.

What’s under the Hood:

The Moon conjuncts with Wise Saturn in Capricorn,

And trines with Mars, the Sun and Mercury in Virgo,

Sextiles with dreamy Neptune in Pisces.

Jupiter in Sagittarius squares with Neptune, so this is your chance to work on yourself, why dreams have you not realized? What is stopping you? Slow down and work through your fears and wounds. Avoid self pity, because it can be a trap.  


Make a herbal potion, look up magical properties of several herbs, then cook them with some water, stir the pot clockwise, imagine all those ingredients working together, then add it to your bath water.

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